Your number of your cellphone can reveal your personality and some other detail,... Add all the 7 digits of your cellphone (do not include area number and if you do not own a cellphone use your homephone number) Take the sum and add its two number together until you are left with a single number. Keep on reading to see what your number means! (Example: if your #'s 238-3467, the add 2+3+8+3+4+6+7= 33. Now add 3+3=6!)

You: you are a generous gal
 with a warm heart. You are
compassionate about making things
 better in the world and around
you, and you are a great artist
You:Being as self-disciplined
as you are, schoolworl and homework
 doesn't get in your way of having fun
and a good time! You're an overachiever
 who likes the intensity of competition.
You: Combining your
imagination with your enthusiastic
 side always ends in adventure!
You definitely know hot to have
a good time using your creative ideas!
You: Being a practical person,
you're always working hard to keep
 things organized. Your responsible
nature helps you plan ahead whether it's
 for the next soccer game or a class project!
You: Forget watching reruns of
Fullhouse on your TV, because you are
 ready for something new!!! Your curious
 nature keeps you exploringnew places to hang out.
You: Family is REALLY important to
you, especially when you need some
support after a rough day. Your perfectionist
 side keeps you dreaming of that
 special one, you are a dreamer!
You: Constantly seeking answers
 about the big and small parts
 of life- like why your special one
hasn't called! You are a bit reserved,
but that is what make you so mycterious and great!
You: Supporting those around
 you is something you do best.
 Your patience and understanding create
 a marmonious environment for those
 you know and are close to you!
You: you are focused on your
goals, you're headed for succesful
 future. You're an independent
person who's always thinking
 positively about the task at hand!

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