BRB- “Boring, retarded bitch”
someone says BRB to you (and by say, I mean type), simply say "No, you're the Retarded Bitch!" and wait for them to respond.
BTW- “Bacon Tomato Wettus”
Welsh acronym for Bacon Tomato Wettus. Although wettus isn't a word and never has been one, The ancient Welsh wanted to rebel
against the British occupation, and renaming a favorite British sandwich was the best they could come up with. Unfortunately,
the only four people to ever use the phrase 'Bacon Tomato Wettus' were all hung as heritics.
CYA- “Cyan”
The diminutive form
of "CYAN" is a Webtron abbreviation, popular with teenagers (also known as goths or emo kids). The term is short for a particular
shade of blue, the internationally-recognised colour of depression. Its usage at the end of a chat session is thus a shorthand
for "Oh God, why does everybody hate me? I'm going to go listen to A Perfect Tool and cut myself until SpongeBob comes on

ESAD- “Every Sock Air Dries”
is a good rule of laundry first suggested by France and later it became a part of Scientology and then George W. Bush made
it a rule to be used by the US Military.
Ew- “very clean, beautiful and/or tasty”
ee-Hugh or Eew is a digraph in the Latin alphabet, used mostly in the French language in words that describe things that are
very clean, beautiful and/or tasty, mostly classic gormet dessetrs such as 当ufs à la merde (Dumped rotten eggs) and
Bonbons de p当k (Vomit-filled bonbons).
FOAD- “Frog and Toad”
refering to the combination of a frog and a toad. It used by people, like me, who can't tell the difference between a frog
and toad.
GF- “Get Funky”
IMHO- “I am a whore”
short for "I'm a whore." Deal with it.
IMO- “International Mathematical Olympiad”
International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is an annual mathematical Olympiad for high school nerds. It is the oldest of the
international science Olympiads (ISO).

JK- “Jew killer”
A Nazi.

LMAO- “Lying my ass off”
heavily in the White House, presumably Richard Nixon's favorite acronym, also used in many of George W. Bush's e-mails
LOL-“Lots of love”
used throughout the internet as a means to show empathy, standing for 'Lots of love'. It can also mean 'I have nothing better
to say'. LOL is not to be confused with lol, which is just a man with his arms raised
<jameskf> My Mum just died :(
<karg> LOL, that's so sad.
<qfeen> LOL :(
<cranyon666> Thats *really* sad LOL
<eggmaster> I feel your loss
<fust0r> LOL, Hope it wasn't a long and painful death
<jameskf> Thanks
Guys your the best intarweb pals i got!
<drunk> We're always here for you, LOL.
N00b- "n00b like status, which can include"
- A low level
- Killing somebody/being killed
- Being new to life
Various spellings of the word n00b:
noob, newb, N00B, Noobzor, n00blet, n00bcookie, nub, nuub, naab, nUb,
n000b, n33b, boon, neeb, nublet,nubletttini nubcookie, nubcake, nubsauce, noobzor, nubn00b, nooooooooooooob, nib, nUUb, NooB,
nuwb, n00b-kids-on-teh-bl0ck, ubj, Nubian, noodie, noobie, nb, n00bsion, nubbins, no0b, fr00b, fr00bz0r, boonzor, r0flnub,
n00bz012, n00btastic, wookie, noobbot, noobster, Noobasaurus Rex, choob, doob

OMG- "Owe-Em-Gee"
Owe-Em-Gees are strange and elusive creatures that inhabit the deep
forests of hyperspace, and so little is known about them that most people only know them as a phrase ("OMG")used to express
excitement or surprise.
STFU- "Start Talking Faster, You!"
Is used primarily in crowded internet chatrooms, when someone is telling
a long story but it is isn't being heard due to the other chatter. It indicates that the person should start talking faster,
in order to drown out the other people's conversations.