Books to Read

Here is a list of some books you need to read before you die or at least before you turn 20, some of I have read

List of Beauty Tips

A short, sweet and inspirational poem made famous by the lovely Audrey Hepburn.

MSN Language

A list of many, many words and slang used in the Internet.

So you wanna play the guitar?

So you wanna play the guitar?? with easy to follow steeps you will know how to play in no time.

How to say "Merry Christmas" in 350 languages!

Fun site with funny images, what else do you need?

Find you favorite celebrity's real name!

Your Shade!

Find your own neutral nail polish color for your skin tone! Fast and fun!

What not to do!

If you are planing to make a website here is what NOT to do!

Women's English

A little dictionary on what woman really mean when the say stuff,…

Different types of government

A discription of the different types of government,... using cows!

Consider this...

Weird political coincidence

The Bush Tragedy

A joke about George W. Bush having the meaning of the work Tragedy explain to him,.. by a third grader

Mexican Aid

A little joke,... Mexican Aid arrives from America!

The Irish declare war on Iraq

A joke of a Irishman declaring war on Iraq!


A buch of quotes you might like!


Bitter person's horoscope

Fun Facts

A list of fun facts!


A list of some words you might heard on the net, but you are not sure what they mean

Friends on the Net

A helpful guide on how to make and keep goood friends on the net

So you wanna play the guitar?

So you wanna play the guitar?? with easy to follow steeps you will know how to play in no time.

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